Breaking News On the Web and TV

   Whenever we hear the term "Breaking News" a sense of urgency hits our brain. Suddenly we start paying more attention. This is nothing unusual for the human brain. Our brain responds to unusual things or events at a faster pace than it does to normal events. The visual and print media tries to make the best out of these two words mainly to catch the attention of the viewers.

One of the prime sources of such news is the TV channels. TV channels are the leading visual medium to announce such news from time to time. Mostly, these news stories appear on a scroll when the news is not being telecast. During the news hour, alongside the scroll the news telecast as breaking news is also given more time and detailed reporting. But, some TV channels exaggerate the importance of a story and covers lesser important stories as the breaking news. At times when there is nothing special to broadcast, some TV channels broadcasts the general events or stories as breaking news just to grab the attention of the viewers. The strategy may work for them in the short run but in the long run it's almost certain that they are going to lose viewership. This will happen as they are cheating with their viewers by covering lesser important events labeled as breaking news.

There are also a lot of websites online that offer such news. But, can you trust the authenticity of the news stories provided by these sites? Surely, you can't trust them all. Only the reputed websites offer real and informative stories. So, you need to know the characteristics of a reputed news site in order to get informative news. There are also websites that may offer real and informative stories but are not good in terms of choosing the right story to cover as the breaking news. These websites consider almost any story as the breaking news and thus confuses the visitors. At one point, it turns out to be a daunting task for the website to catch the attention of the visitors towards important news stories. This happens when the visitors think that they are being cheated and offered general news in an exaggerated manner. In this way, websites loses visitors.

So, both the television channels and the websites need to be sensible in terms of broadcasting news. They should not misinterpret the gravity of news stories and confuse the visitors. In spite, these news sources should concentrate on conveying informative news and term only the significant stories as "Breaking News". If the media acts professionally then the ultimate goal of conveying information to the mass people can be achieved.

Break, break and break.

Your culture is broken. Your routine is broken. Your whole day is broken. Your evenings are broken. Your life has become one helluva hiatus of incisive breaks.

Fortunately your office gives you only one break a day. But if you even think of enjoying your break you get mercilessly broken. If you prefer to stay at home your existence gets broken.

The news channels keep on breaking their news till nothing remains. They even break the news of a heart broken wife beaten by her booze broken husband. The entertainment channels break you tastelessly when you start finding it palatable. The movie channels break you so much that you give up going any further with it. The sports channels break even the live proceedings and allow so much break virus creep into the small screen that you almost need a Google search to find your favourite players.

This burden of breaks is definitely getting oppressive and dangerous for the living planet. How so? Well, we cannot afford to take a break We continue relentlessly so that you get the full point without it being broken.

It is said that nature retaliates when man commits follies on earth. Nature tries to convey messages or warnings first. When these are not heeded nature starts breaking out in full fury. Enough breaks are enough follies. Nature has already demonstrated that in a myriad pattern all over the globe.

In summer coldness creeps in due to incessant rains. If you see the pattern in different parts of the globe including India you will find that 10% to 50% of total seasonal rainfall get delivered in just few hours or in a single day. After that follows a long gap and then again the deluge for one or two days. Floods, earthquakes, fires have acquired added force due to the concentrated efforts. So you sweat in winter, shiver in summer, swim in rainwater and despair of nature's unseasonal behavior. Deadly surprises lurk in every corner of your planet.

Yes, nature too has started breaking news and taking It breaks out furiously to break for a long period of rest.

Dare take a break?

Chinmay Chakravarty is a professional specialized in the creative field with over two decades of experience in journalistic writing, media co-ordination, film script writing, film dubbing, film & video making, management of international film festivals and editing of books & journals. Proficient in providing professional services in these related fields and also in fields of credit tips, personal finance and mediation help. Has a passion for making people laugh as often as possible and is interested in having a laughter club for doing away with everyday problems.


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